November 17, 2014

What's been happening to KBN? Not much, just a worldwide cyber attack on kids.

     We must apologize.
Ten days ago the entire KBN website abruptly disappeared. Just went away. Poof.
      Then after several days working with our site support team some of our KBN homepage reappeared, but all the rest of our site and our free books for children were still missing.
     Then, after several more days of rework, all of those original books were finally restored. Links to other site pages were also reconnected, and we could see what happened.
     KBN got hacked.
    Why anyone would want to hack and damage a free concept and reading resource like the Kids' Book Network is not clear. But there you are.
     Now what?
    As of today much of our homepage – providing a direct link to many of our most popular books for young readers – is still missing. And we can't tell you exactly how long it will take to let us bring back the rest of the Kids' Book Network homepage, or how we will locate and restore or rewrite the missing site code  – to continue our mission.
     But you can be sure we'll get there.
     We want to bring free books to every child in the world.
     Meanwhile, all is not lost. You can still wander around and find our KBN books by exploring further into the site, directly on our book library pages. They're still all there.
     And you can rediscover what we all learned long ago.
     There's almost nothing more fun than browsing in a library.